1josh \'jäsh\ vb [origin unknown] vt (1852)
: to tease good-naturedly : KID -- vi to engage in banter : JOKE ---
2joshn (1878) : a good-humored joke : JEST
Aasgaard, Joshua - The Universe of Knowledge - Includes sites with Rainbow Family, Postmodern Culture, Fringe Pages (Leftists, Anarchist & Xtian) and, of course, blatant self promotion we've all come to love.
Blumenfeld, Joshua - Includes pen pals, concert info, poetry, cool links, and more!
Catalfo, Josh - See some of my favorite links, hobbies, and what I do for a living. Also get a chance to become anan investor in my theme park,- Doingworld.
Sheen, David - The Sheen-Files - The personal home page of David Joshua Sheen: law student, activist, rapper, writer, webmaster. T-shirts for sale; songs to download; articles & pictures.