At California Lutheran, 2/21/98, (SCIAC, Win)

Josh's Game Stats

Min: 25, Pts: 2, FTA: 3, FTM: 0, Reb: 2, Turnovers: 2, Stl: 2, Asst: 2, Blk: 2, PF: 4
Well, that's it, we are the champions, I won my last game and it was against the one team that beat us this year! I had a pretty crappy game but I attribute it mostly to their underhanded super-physical style of play and the fact that I fouled out with ONLY 4 FOULS! That's right, their stats people attributed one of Cory's fouls to me! But actually, that makes me mvp because Cory is the one who basically won this game for us in the last four minutes, and he picked up his "fourth" (really his fifth!) with about 5 minutes left, and I fould out with about four minutes left. So I made the big team sacrifice and we went out a winner! We all jumped and hugged each other and had fun in the locker room and watched Varsity get blown out and then got some McDonalds on the way home and heard DOO DOO DOO DOO in the car on the way back! It was a fun four seasons.

Josh's Season Averages (season)

Min/g: 27.0, Pts/g: 7.6, FTA: 23, FTM: 9, FT%: 39.1, Reb/g: 6.1, Turnovers/g: 1.6, Stl/g:2.5, Asst/g: 2.2, Blk/g: 2.3, PF/g: 3.5
Overall Record: 9-1 (.900) SCIAC Record: 7-1 (.875)