Ocidental, 11/21/97, (SCIAC, Win)
Josh's Game Stats
Min: 20, Pts: 8, FTA: 6, FTM: 4, Reb:
Turnovers: 4, Stl: 3, Asst: 3, Blk: 3,
PF: 5
I wasn't sure how good we were going to be this year, but it looks like
we're going to be decent. At least if we get into better shape and I don't
foul out with two and a half minutes to go in every game. I was in pretty
bad shape though. It might have had something to do with the double burger
I'd had 3 hours before the game. But I did score 4 of our teams first 7
points before getting two quick fouls. Those like all my fouls, were
pretty cheap. Stupido me. ANYWAY. The most exciting thing in this game was
my DUNK. That's right, 1/4 of my points came from a
steal I got at the top of the key, which I took coast to coast with a guy
on me and dunked with two hands! REALLY! And when I landed I screamed some
monkey stuff right in
some guys face. Which I think I did because I was so excited and he had
said something to mess me up right as I dunked it. I didn't even plan on
dunking it but I jumped high enough and kind of did. That made me so
excited. And I started thinking I was so good, that I just shot the next
two times I got the ball which were horrible misses! In my head I was like
"I am so awesome. I am Jordan 8 years ago. I will carry my team of
supporting players." Mark Holland got a dunk too, but
it wasn't as
spectacular. He pulled the rim down first. Me, Bamer, Mark, Cory, and
Scott A started.. and no one from Varsity came down! We won 65-58 and Ajay
came in with 14 seconds to go, ran to the wrong side of the court, fouled
in one second, and got one rebound before the game ended! Josh's
Season Averages (To Date)
Min/g: 20.0, Pts/g: 8.0, FTA: 6, FTM: 4,
FT%: 66.7, Reb/g: 5.0, Turnovers/g: 4.0,
3.0, Asst/g: 3.0, Blk/g: 3.0, PF/g: 5.0
Overall Record: 1-0 (1.000) SCIAC Record: 1-0 (1.000)